WAST statement: the anti-refugee bill

On the 7 March, the government introduced the Illegal Migration Bill to the House of Commons. We like many other organisation oppose this latest attack of people seeking asylum in the UK. Responding to the news our Management group said:

Instead of protecting people from abuse, war, gender-based violence the government plans to remove their rights and jail thousands of people who are seeking safety and sanctuary. 

This latest anti-refugee bill follows a long line of actions from the government to dehumanise people seeking asylum. You only have to look at the government’s social media posts about the new bill to see how language has been weaponised to persecute people seeking asylum. 

We urge the government to listen to its own research which shows that the majority people travelling by small boat crossings have genuine reasons for travelling to the UK. They are escaping war, abuse and terror. Their families live here. They want to contribute and be part of communities. 

We are wondering what would the system look like if women who are seeking asylum were involved in its redesign?

- It would be sensitive to gender and trauma. One where we have access to therapy and support to begin the healing process and stop subjecting women to more depression by endlessly waiting.

- People would have a guarantee of a fair and timely decision on their claim, with clear, transparent and accessible information and decision-making. 

- There would be easy and equal access to funded and good quality legal advice from a qualified legal advisor.

- There would be more safe routes for women and unaccompanied minors so they do not have to make dangerous journeys where they are at risk of exploitation and abuse.

- People would get a safe place to live and the chance to build a life in their new community through work and education.

We have joined Refugee Action and 320 other organisations to express our horror at the proposals in an open letter to the Prime Minister, urging the government to scrap this harmful bill.

If you want to take a stand with us and oppose the anti-refugee laws by signing Refugee Action’s pledge.


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